Surgical Infections Journal
Surgical Infections provides comprehensive and authoritative information on the biology, prevention, and management of post-operative infections. Visit the journal website to learn more about journal coverage, the editorial board, and author instructions.
Current Issue
Volume 26, Issue 2, pp. 56–121
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Surgical Infections provides comprehensive and authoritative information on the biology, prevention, and management of post-operative infections. As Editor-In-Chief, I am delighted to highlight the importance of Surgical Infections. Original articles cover the latest advancements, evolving prevention strategies, new therapeutic management, and cutting edge translational research.
Surgical Infections is under the editorial leadership of Editor-in-Chief Robert G. Sawyer, MD View the entire editorial board.
Audience: General surgeons, surgical specialists, and infectious disease specialists, among others

Surgical Infections coverage includes but is not limited to:
• Peritonitis and intra-abdominal infections
• Surgical site infections
• Pneumonia and other surgical care-associated infections
• Cellular and humoral immunity
• Microbiology of all pathogens in surgical patients
• Biology of the host response
• Organ dysfunction syndromes
• Antibiotic use
• Epidemiology and prevention
• The operating room environment
• Diagnostic studies
From the Editor-in-Chief:
Since its launch in April 2000 Surgical Infections has highlighted critically important issues pertinent to a wide range of health care providers. Position papers and review articles in Surgical Infections have helped to shape many public health policies (Clinical Practice Guidelines for Antimicrobial Prophylaxis in Surgery, Surgical Infections. February 2013, 14: 73-156). Surgical Infections is the official Journal of the Surgical Infection Society-North America, Surgical Infection Society-Europe, Surgical Infection Society-Latin America, and the Chinese Society of Surgical Infection and Intensive Care. Members of these Societies are invited to submit their scientific and review articles to Surgical Infections.
Community-acquired, surgical site, and healthcare-associated infections are constantly changing and continue to be major prevention and management issues for all specialties in surgery. Surgical Infections will strive to be a premier source of information in the treatment of these patients.
Robert G. Sawyer, MD