Author(s): Georgina Alizo Arruebarrena, Grand Strand Medical Center; Jason Sciarretta, Grand Strand Medical Center; Leslie Hart, Grand Strand Medical Center; Sharon Holmes, Grand Strand Medical Center; John Davis, Warren Warren2024-11-08 18:38:262024-11-08 18:38:28Causes of Postoperative Death in the Octogenarian 2015
Author(s): Nirbhay Jain, Washington University in St Louis; Christopher Horn, ; Adrian Coleoglou Centeno, Washington University in St Louis; John Mazuski, Washington University in St Louis; Obeid Ilahi, Washington University in St Louis; Grant Bochicchio, Washington University in St Louis; Laurie Punch, Washington University in St Louis Warren Warren2024-11-08 18:37:572024-11-08 18:37:59Chronic Femoral Osteomyelitis due to Cladophialophora in an Immunocompetent Patient Warren Warren2024-11-08 18:37:202024-11-08 18:37:22Clinical Practice Guideline in Complicated Intraabdominal Infection 2018 An Indonesian Perspective
Author(s): Elizabeth Krebs, University of Virginia; Taryn Hassinger, University of Virginia; Zachary Dietch, University of Virginia; Nathan Elwood, University of Virginia; Kimberly Ann Popovsky, University of Virginia; Robert Sawyer, Western Michigan University Homer Stryker MD School of Medicine; Traci Hedrick, University of Virginia
Author(s): Allison Berndtson, University of California, San Diego; Robin Bricker-Ford, University of California, San Diego; Gabrielle Z. Madsen, University of California, San Diego; Kevin Box, University of California, San Diego; Todd Costantini, University of California, San Diego; LeGrand Malany, University of California, San Diego; Alan Smith, University of California, San Diego; Raul Coimbra, University of California, San Diego Warren Warren2024-11-08 18:34:162024-11-08 18:34:18Current Evaluation of Antibiotic Usage in Complicated Intraabdominal Infection After the STOP IT Trial: Did We STOP IT?
Author(s): Aaron Pinnola, Grand Strand Medical Center; Neal Cooper, Grand Strand Medical Center; James Vogler, Grand Strand Medical Center; Jason Sciarretta, Grand Strand Medical Center; John Davis, Warren Warren2024-11-08 18:33:192024-11-08 18:33:21Damage Control Laparotomy for Surgical Management of Diverticulitis
Author(s): Varun Shenoy, Cupertino High School; Elizabeth Foster, Castilleja School; Lauren Aalami, Stanford University School of Medicine; Bakar Majeed, Stanford University School of Medicine; Oliver Aalami,
Author(s): Marlon Torres, ; Rohit Rasane, Washington University St. Louis; Christopher Horn, Washington University St. Louis; Adrian Coleoglou Centeno, Washington University St. Louis; Qiao Zhang, Washington University St. Louis; Kelly Marie Bochicchio, Washington University St. Louis; Obeid Ilahi, Washington University St. Louis; John Mazuski, Washington University St. Louis; Grant Bochicchio, Washington University St. Louis
Causes of Postoperative Death in the Octogenarian 2015
/in 2018Presentation Number:
Author(s): Georgina Alizo Arruebarrena, Grand Strand Medical Center; Jason Sciarretta, Grand Strand Medical Center; Leslie Hart, Grand Strand Medical Center; Sharon Holmes, Grand Strand Medical Center; John Davis,
Eligible for the Resident Award
Chronic Femoral Osteomyelitis due to Cladophialophora in an Immunocompetent Patient
/in 2018Presentation Number:
Author(s): Nirbhay Jain, Washington University in St Louis; Christopher Horn, ; Adrian Coleoglou Centeno, Washington University in St Louis; John Mazuski, Washington University in St Louis; Obeid Ilahi, Washington University in St Louis; Grant Bochicchio, Washington University in St Louis; Laurie Punch, Washington University in St Louis
Clinical Practice Guideline in Complicated Intraabdominal Infection 2018 An Indonesian Perspective
/in 2018Presentation Number:
Author(s): Diane Catalano, ; Toar Lalisang, Universitas Indonesia
Clinical Synergism: Combined Fungal and Bacterial Intra-Abdominal Infections Associated with Increased Mortality
/in 2018Presentation Number:
Author(s): Elizabeth Krebs, University of Virginia; Taryn Hassinger, University of Virginia; Zachary Dietch, University of Virginia; Nathan Elwood, University of Virginia; Kimberly Ann Popovsky, University of Virginia; Robert Sawyer, Western Michigan University Homer Stryker MD School of Medicine; Traci Hedrick, University of Virginia
Comparison of CHG Retention in a Repetitive Fluid Challenge with 2% CHG/70 % IPA Preoperative Skin Preparations.
/in 2018Presentation Number:
Author(s): Joan Paulson, 3M; Dan Morse, 3M; Angela Hollingsworth, Microbac Laboratories, Inc.; Muhammed Hamid Bashir, Microbac Laboratories, Inc.; Assumpta Bennaars-Eiden, 3M
Cross-Border Antibiotic Resistance Patterns in Trauma Patients
/in 2018Presentation Number:
Author(s): Allison Berndtson, University of California, San Diego; Robin Bricker-Ford, University of California, San Diego; Gabrielle Z. Madsen, University of California, San Diego; Kevin Box, University of California, San Diego; Todd Costantini, University of California, San Diego; LeGrand Malany, University of California, San Diego; Alan Smith, University of California, San Diego; Raul Coimbra, University of California, San Diego
Current Evaluation of Antibiotic Usage in Complicated Intraabdominal Infection After the STOP IT Trial: Did We STOP IT?
/in 2018Presentation Number:
Author(s): Sarah Posillico, ; Brian Young, MetroHealth; Husayn Ladhani, MetroHealth; Brenda Zosa, MetroHealth; Jeffrey Claridge, MetroHealth
Damage Control Laparotomy for Surgical Management of Diverticulitis
/in 2018Presentation Number:
Author(s): Aaron Pinnola, Grand Strand Medical Center; Neal Cooper, Grand Strand Medical Center; James Vogler, Grand Strand Medical Center; Jason Sciarretta, Grand Strand Medical Center; John Davis,
Eligible for the Resident Award
Deepwound: Automated Postoperative Wound Assessment and Surgical Site Surveillance through Convolutional Neural Networks
/in 2018Presentation Number:
Author(s): Varun Shenoy, Cupertino High School; Elizabeth Foster, Castilleja School; Lauren Aalami, Stanford University School of Medicine; Bakar Majeed, Stanford University School of Medicine; Oliver Aalami,
/in 2018Presentation Number:
Author(s): Marlon Torres, ; Rohit Rasane, Washington University St. Louis; Christopher Horn, Washington University St. Louis; Adrian Coleoglou Centeno, Washington University St. Louis; Qiao Zhang, Washington University St. Louis; Kelly Marie Bochicchio, Washington University St. Louis; Obeid Ilahi, Washington University St. Louis; John Mazuski, Washington University St. Louis; Grant Bochicchio, Washington University St. Louis
Eligible for the Resident Award