Author(s): David Miranda, ; Molly Tolins, University of Washington; Heather Evans, University of Washington; Bill Lober, University of Washington; Daniel Hippe, University of Washington; Marie Vrablik, University of Washington Warren Warren2024-11-08 17:58:312024-11-08 17:58:33Examining Healthcare Utilization After use of a Mobile App for Wound-care Follow Up in the Emergency Department (ED).
Author(s): Melissa Meghpara, Flushing Hospital Medical Center; David Fan, Flushing Hospital Medical Center; Omar Wain, Flushing Hospital Medical Center Warren Warren2024-11-08 17:56:262024-11-08 17:56:28Experience with PCT placement in High-Risk Patients with acute cholecystitis.
Author(s): Michael Mallicote, Children’s Hospital Los Angeles; Oswaldo Escobar, Children’s Hospital Los Angeles; Christopher P. Gayer, Children’s Hospital Los Angeles Warren Warren2024-11-08 17:55:392024-11-08 17:55:41Farnesoid X receptor (FXR) may be necessary for intestinal injury in experimental murine necrotizing enterocolitis
Author(s): Oswaldo Escobar, Children’s Hospital Los Angeles; Michelle Nguyen, Children’s Hospital Los Angeles; Christopher P. Gayer, Children’s Hospital Los Angeles
Author(s): Nathan Elwood, ; Taryn Hassinger, University of Virginia; Zachary Dietch, University of Virginia; Elizabeth Krebs, University of Virginia; Kimberly Ann Popovsky, University of Virginia; Traci Hedrick, University of Virginia; Robert Sawyer, Western Michigan University Homer Stryker M.D. School of Medicine Warren Warren2024-11-08 17:54:372024-11-08 17:54:38Fever and Trauma are Protective in ICU-Acquired Infections
Author(s): Michail Mavros, MedStar Washington Hospital Center, Washington, DC; Nikoletta Theochari, Society of Junior Doctors, Athens, Greece; Konstantinos Economopoulos, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC; Jack Sava, MedStar Washington Hospital Center, Washington, DC Warren Warren2024-11-08 17:53:042024-11-08 17:53:06Fluoroquinolones versus beta lactams for complicated intra-abdominal infections: a meta-analysis of RCTs
Author(s): Lillian Huang, The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston; Karla Bernardi, The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston; Nicole Lyons, The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston; Deepa Cherla, The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston; Julie Holihan, The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston; Alexander Martin, The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston; Alexis Milton, The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston; Tien Ko, The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston; Lynn Hydo, Surgical Infection Society; Mike Liang, The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston
Eligible for the New Member Award and Resident Award Warren Warren2024-11-08 17:52:262024-11-08 17:52:28Gender Disparity in Surgical Infection Research
Author(s): Lynn Frydrych, University of Michigan; Guowu Bian, University of Michigan; Katherine He, University of Michigan; Peter Ward, University of Michigan; Matthew Delano, University of Michigan Warren Warren2024-11-08 17:51:392024-11-08 17:51:41Global Defects in Neutrophil and Monocyte Function Offer New Targets to Improve Sepsis Survival in Obese, Diabetic Mice
Author(s): Kaushik Mukherjee, Loma Linda University Medical Center; Bryan Collier, Carilion Clinic; Judith Jenkins, Vanderbilt University Medical Center; Kirk Easley, Emory University Medical Center; Thomas Ziegler, Emory University Medical Center; Addison May, Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Eligible for the New Member Award and Sawyer Award Warren Warren2024-11-08 17:51:092024-11-08 17:51:10Glutamine-Supplemented Parenteral Nutrition May be Associated with Increased Insulin Resistance in Surgical ICU Patients
Author(s): Jennifer Rickard, ; Jonathan Gipson, North Memorial Medical Center; Patty Reicks, North Memorial Medical Center; Melissa Thorson, North Memorial Medical Center; Carol Schnack, North Memorial Medical Center; Michaela West, North Memorial Medical Center
Examining Healthcare Utilization After use of a Mobile App for Wound-care Follow Up in the Emergency Department (ED).
/in 2018Presentation Number:
Author(s): David Miranda, ; Molly Tolins, University of Washington; Heather Evans, University of Washington; Bill Lober, University of Washington; Daniel Hippe, University of Washington; Marie Vrablik, University of Washington
Experience with PCT placement in High-Risk Patients with acute cholecystitis.
/in 2018Presentation Number:
Author(s): Melissa Meghpara, Flushing Hospital Medical Center; David Fan, Flushing Hospital Medical Center; Omar Wain, Flushing Hospital Medical Center
Farnesoid X receptor (FXR) may be necessary for intestinal injury in experimental murine necrotizing enterocolitis
/in 2018Presentation Number:
Author(s): Michael Mallicote, Children’s Hospital Los Angeles; Oswaldo Escobar, Children’s Hospital Los Angeles; Christopher P. Gayer, Children’s Hospital Los Angeles
Farnesoid-X Receptor Inhibition Allows Uninhibited Epidermal Growth Factor Activity
/in 2018Presentation Number:
Author(s): Oswaldo Escobar, Children’s Hospital Los Angeles; Michelle Nguyen, Children’s Hospital Los Angeles; Christopher P. Gayer, Children’s Hospital Los Angeles
Eligible for the New Member Award
Fever and Trauma are Protective in ICU-Acquired Infections
/in 2018Presentation Number:
Author(s): Nathan Elwood, ; Taryn Hassinger, University of Virginia; Zachary Dietch, University of Virginia; Elizabeth Krebs, University of Virginia; Kimberly Ann Popovsky, University of Virginia; Traci Hedrick, University of Virginia; Robert Sawyer, Western Michigan University Homer Stryker M.D. School of Medicine
Eligible for the Resident Award
Fluoroquinolones versus beta lactams for complicated intra-abdominal infections: a meta-analysis of RCTs
/in 2018Presentation Number:
Author(s): Michail Mavros, MedStar Washington Hospital Center, Washington, DC; Nikoletta Theochari, Society of Junior Doctors, Athens, Greece; Konstantinos Economopoulos, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC; Jack Sava, MedStar Washington Hospital Center, Washington, DC
Eligible for the Resident Award
Gender Disparity in Surgical Infection Research
/in 2018Presentation Number:
Author(s): Lillian Huang, The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston; Karla Bernardi, The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston; Nicole Lyons, The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston; Deepa Cherla, The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston; Julie Holihan, The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston; Alexander Martin, The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston; Alexis Milton, The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston; Tien Ko, The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston; Lynn Hydo, Surgical Infection Society; Mike Liang, The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston
Eligible for the New Member Award and Resident Award
Global Defects in Neutrophil and Monocyte Function Offer New Targets to Improve Sepsis Survival in Obese, Diabetic Mice
/in 2018Presentation Number:
Author(s): Lynn Frydrych, University of Michigan; Guowu Bian, University of Michigan; Katherine He, University of Michigan; Peter Ward, University of Michigan; Matthew Delano, University of Michigan
Glutamine-Supplemented Parenteral Nutrition May be Associated with Increased Insulin Resistance in Surgical ICU Patients
/in 2018Presentation Number:
Author(s): Kaushik Mukherjee, Loma Linda University Medical Center; Bryan Collier, Carilion Clinic; Judith Jenkins, Vanderbilt University Medical Center; Kirk Easley, Emory University Medical Center; Thomas Ziegler, Emory University Medical Center; Addison May, Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Eligible for the New Member Award and Sawyer Award
Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAIs) in Elderly Trauma Patients
/in 2018Presentation Number:
Author(s): Jennifer Rickard, ; Jonathan Gipson, North Memorial Medical Center; Patty Reicks, North Memorial Medical Center; Melissa Thorson, North Memorial Medical Center; Carol Schnack, North Memorial Medical Center; Michaela West, North Memorial Medical Center
Eligible for the New Member Award