Author(s): Jennifer Hubbard, Brown University, Department of Surgery; Chibueze Nwaiwu, Brown University, Department of Surgery; Daithi Heffernan, Brown University, Department of Surgery; Andrew Stephen, Brown University, Department of Surgery Warren Warren2024-11-22 17:56:592024-11-22 17:57:01The association of Social Determinants of Health and Necrotizing Fasciitis
Author(s): Dias Argandykov, Massachusetts General Hospital; Jefferson Proaño-Zamudio, Massachusetts General Hospital; Angela Renne, Massachusetts General Hospital; May Abiad, Massachusetts General Hospital; Casey Luckhurst, Massachusetts General Hospital; Jonathan Parks, Massachusetts General Hospital; Charudutt N. Paranjape, Massachusetts General Hospital; David King, Massachusetts General Hospital; John Hwabejire, Massachusetts General Hospital; George Velmahos, Massachusetts General Hospital; Haytham Kaafarani, Massachusetts General Hospital; Michael P. DeWane, Massachusetts General Hospital Warren Warren2024-11-22 17:56:302024-11-22 17:56:32The Burden and Risk Factors of Postoperative C. difficile Infection in Surgical Patients in the US: The Hospital Effect
Author(s): Emanuele Lagazzi, Massachusetts General Hospital; Jefferson Proaño-Zamudio, Massachusetts General Hospital; Dias Argandykov, Massachusetts General Hospital; Wardah Rafaqat, Massachusetts General Hospital; May Abiad, Massachusetts General Hospital; Anne-Sophie Romijn , Massachusetts General Hospital; Elaine van Ee, Massachusetts General Hospital; Angela Renne, Massachusetts General Hospital; George Velmahos, Massachusetts General Hospital; Haytham Kaafarani, Massachusetts General Hospital; John Hwabejire, Massachusetts General Hospital Warren Warren2024-11-22 17:55:542024-11-22 17:55:57The Burden of Income Disparity and Behavioral Factors on Infectious Complications in Emergency General Surgery
Author(s): Katherine Snyder, Oklahoma University Health Sciences Center; Alena Golubkova, Oklahoma University Health Sciences Center; Tyler Leiva, Oklahoma University Health Sciences Center; Heather Liebe, Oklahoma University Health Sciences Center; Camille Schlegel, Oklahoma University Health Sciences Center; Catherine Hunter, Oklahoma University Health Sciences Center
Author(s): Javier Valdes, Florida International University; Monique Motta, Memorial Healthcare System; Azalia Avila, Memorial Healthcare System; Shenae Samuels, Memorial Healthcare System; Tamar Levene, Warren Warren2024-11-22 17:54:492024-11-22 17:54:50The impact of preoperative chlorhexidine baths on outcomes in pediatric patients undergoing adnexal surgery
Author(s): Manuel Castillo-Angeles , ; Barbara Okafor, Brigham and Women’s Hospital; Christine Wu, Brigham and Women’s Hospital; Ali Salim, Brigham and Women’s Hospital; Reza Askari MD, Brigham and Women’s Hospital Warren Warren2024-11-22 17:54:182024-11-22 17:54:21The Impact of Surgical Infections on Readmission After Trauma in Geriatric Patients
Author(s): Samuel Coster, Western Michigan University Homer Stryker M.D School of Medicine; Kwame Akuamoah-Boateng, Virginia Commonwealth University; Zequan Yang, University of Virginia; Aimee Zhang, University of Virginia; Saad Shebrain, Western Michigan University Homer Stryker M.D School of Medicine; Robert Sawyer, Western Michigan University Homer Stryker M.D School of Medicine
Eligible for the Resident Award and Sawyer Award and New Member Award Warren Warren2024-11-22 17:53:452024-11-22 17:53:47The Pathobiome and Immunologic Function Following Blunt Splenic Injury: The Bad and the Good!
Author(s): Jacob O’Dell, University of Kansas Medical Center; Andrew Dulek, University of Kansas Medical Center; Matthew Johnson, University of Kansas Medical Center; Aaron Rohr, University of Kansas Medical Center; Robert Winfield, University of Kansas Medical Center; Christopher Guidry, Warren Warren2024-11-22 17:53:142024-11-22 17:53:17Time to Abdominal Percutaneous Drain Placement is Not Associated with Complication Warren Warren2024-11-22 17:52:442024-11-22 17:52:47Trajectories in survivors and non-survivors differ in adult and older adult burn patients Warren Warren2024-11-22 17:52:172024-11-22 17:52:19Use of Antibiotics in Reconstruction with Sternal Rigid Plate Fixation
The association of Social Determinants of Health and Necrotizing Fasciitis
/in 2023Presentation Number:
Author(s): Jennifer Hubbard, Brown University, Department of Surgery; Chibueze Nwaiwu, Brown University, Department of Surgery; Daithi Heffernan, Brown University, Department of Surgery; Andrew Stephen, Brown University, Department of Surgery
Eligible for the Resident Award
The Burden and Risk Factors of Postoperative C. difficile Infection in Surgical Patients in the US: The Hospital Effect
/in 2023Presentation Number:
Author(s): Dias Argandykov, Massachusetts General Hospital; Jefferson Proaño-Zamudio, Massachusetts General Hospital; Angela Renne, Massachusetts General Hospital; May Abiad, Massachusetts General Hospital; Casey Luckhurst, Massachusetts General Hospital; Jonathan Parks, Massachusetts General Hospital; Charudutt N. Paranjape, Massachusetts General Hospital; David King, Massachusetts General Hospital; John Hwabejire, Massachusetts General Hospital; George Velmahos, Massachusetts General Hospital; Haytham Kaafarani, Massachusetts General Hospital; Michael P. DeWane, Massachusetts General Hospital
Eligible for the Resident Award
The Burden of Income Disparity and Behavioral Factors on Infectious Complications in Emergency General Surgery
/in 2023Presentation Number:
Author(s): Emanuele Lagazzi, Massachusetts General Hospital; Jefferson Proaño-Zamudio, Massachusetts General Hospital; Dias Argandykov, Massachusetts General Hospital; Wardah Rafaqat, Massachusetts General Hospital; May Abiad, Massachusetts General Hospital; Anne-Sophie Romijn , Massachusetts General Hospital; Elaine van Ee, Massachusetts General Hospital; Angela Renne, Massachusetts General Hospital; George Velmahos, Massachusetts General Hospital; Haytham Kaafarani, Massachusetts General Hospital; John Hwabejire, Massachusetts General Hospital
The hyperinflammatory state: increasing proclivity to develop necrotizing enterocolitis
/in 2023Presentation Number: 000676
Author(s): Katherine Snyder, Oklahoma University Health Sciences Center; Alena Golubkova, Oklahoma University Health Sciences Center; Tyler Leiva, Oklahoma University Health Sciences Center; Heather Liebe, Oklahoma University Health Sciences Center; Camille Schlegel, Oklahoma University Health Sciences Center; Catherine Hunter, Oklahoma University Health Sciences Center
Eligible for the Resident Award
The impact of preoperative chlorhexidine baths on outcomes in pediatric patients undergoing adnexal surgery
/in 2023Presentation Number:
Author(s): Javier Valdes, Florida International University; Monique Motta, Memorial Healthcare System; Azalia Avila, Memorial Healthcare System; Shenae Samuels, Memorial Healthcare System; Tamar Levene,
Eligible for the Resident Award
The Impact of Surgical Infections on Readmission After Trauma in Geriatric Patients
/in 2023Presentation Number:
Author(s): Manuel Castillo-Angeles , ; Barbara Okafor, Brigham and Women’s Hospital; Christine Wu, Brigham and Women’s Hospital; Ali Salim, Brigham and Women’s Hospital; Reza Askari MD, Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Eligible for the Resident Award and Sawyer Award
The Pathobiome and Immunologic Function Following Blunt Splenic Injury: The Bad and the Good!
/in 2023Presentation Number:
Author(s): Samuel Coster, Western Michigan University Homer Stryker M.D School of Medicine; Kwame Akuamoah-Boateng, Virginia Commonwealth University; Zequan Yang, University of Virginia; Aimee Zhang, University of Virginia; Saad Shebrain, Western Michigan University Homer Stryker M.D School of Medicine; Robert Sawyer, Western Michigan University Homer Stryker M.D School of Medicine
Eligible for the Resident Award and Sawyer Award and New Member Award
Time to Abdominal Percutaneous Drain Placement is Not Associated with Complication
/in 2023Presentation Number:
Author(s): Jacob O’Dell, University of Kansas Medical Center; Andrew Dulek, University of Kansas Medical Center; Matthew Johnson, University of Kansas Medical Center; Aaron Rohr, University of Kansas Medical Center; Robert Winfield, University of Kansas Medical Center; Christopher Guidry,
Eligible for the Resident Award
Trajectories in survivors and non-survivors differ in adult and older adult burn patients
/in 2023Presentation Number:
Author(s): Sarah Rehou, ; Carly Knuth, ; Marc Jeschke,
Use of Antibiotics in Reconstruction with Sternal Rigid Plate Fixation
/in 2023Presentation Number:
Author(s): Alexandra Blake, Dominion Plastic Surgery; Vineet Mehan, Dominion Plastic Surgery
Eligible for the New Member Award